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WomenDeliver - Tracing change that happens by youth: crowdsourcing the successes of youth advocates in SRHR?

Date: 19-07-2023
Time: 07:00 - 08:30 am
Location: Kigali, Rwanda

Organised by Break Free (Plan International, KIT Royal Tropical Institute, and others) 
The KIT Royal Tropical Institute, as part of the Break Free! Programme, has conducted research on youth-led advocacy in Ethiopia and Mali in 2022-23. We have documented youth-led organisations’ experiences leading and conducting SRHR-related advocacy and the strategies they use. 
In this side event, we aim to share these study findings and use the ensuing discussions to facilitate a space for youth advocates (under 30 years old) to discuss their experiences, strategies and good practices in SRHR advocacy. 
The event will also enable youth advocates to connect with each other and foster cross-country learning. The session will be facilitated by a team of young people.     
Venue: Ubumwe Grande Hotel 