What we do | SDG 5 | SDG5 Tool: Checklist Gendergelijkheid


SDG5 Tool: Checklist Gendergelijkheid

Gender equality is important for organizations. This checklist gives employers a first idea of ​​the status of gender equality and women's rights (SDG 5) within their organisations.
For each theme, participants receive a number of questions. After each question, they find the sub-goal of SDG 5 to which that question relates. At the end, the employers receive concrete tips to get started with gender equality and women's rights within their own organization.
This scan was developed as part of a set of tools to help reach the SDG5 goal, Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. In order to help achieve SDG5, WO=MEN formed new partnerships and developed tools, including the Gender Facts Game, this employer tool and the experience room

The Database contains information about gender equality, respect for women's rights and all the themes WO=MEN strives for worldwide.