WO=MEN strives for equal power relations between women, men and gender non-conforming persons both in the Netherlands and worldwide. After all, sexual orientation and gender identity must never lead to unequal treatment anywhere.
WO=MEN* is the largest gender platform in Europe. Around 50 organisations and 125 professionals are linked to WO=MEN: development and peace organisations, women's and gender rights organisations, diaspora organisations, trade unions, police, journalists, knowledge institutes, academics, military personnel, entrepreneurs, students and opinion-makers.
*WO=MEN - women equals men
The position and security needs of women, men and gender non-conforming persons are not equal in conflict or post-conflict situations.
In an ideal world everyone has access to natural resources (land, water, forests), manufacturing chains, businesses and climate agreements.
Sustainable social, political and financial support for gender equality and women's rights.
The Database contains information about gender equality, respect for women's rights and all the themes WO=MEN strives for worldwide.