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COVID-19 increases pressure on women

Corona, COVID-19, is currently holding the world in its grip. Increasingly worrying articles are appearing about the impact of this pandemic on the role of women. Laila Ait Baali and Sander Hehanussa talk to the Els Borst Network about the consequences.
Laila Ait Baali and Sander Hehanussa, thank you for making time for us in these unprecedented times. Could you please introduce yourself before we dive into the content?
Laila: "In January of this year I started as director of WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform and before that I was the political coordinator of the network for almost 5 years."
Sander: "As a gender and sustainable economy program manager, I follow the developments of gender (in)equality within international corporate social responsibility, trade and investment and female entrepreneurship."
Corona holds the world in its grip. Increasingly worrying articles are appearing about the impact of this pandemic on the role of women. How do you look at this?
"The COVID-19 crisis is indeed holding us in its grip. Governments worldwide are taking drastic measures to limit the spread of the virus. Rightly so and necessary. However, some governments are taking advantage of the crisis. Victor Orbán seized the pandemic in Hungary for sole supremacy In recent years, Orbán has already implemented numerous measures to combat gender equality and women's emancipation, such as abolishing gender studies and actively promoting women to have more children and take care of their families. and it is therefore expected that he will use the autocracy to further push through his conservative regime," said Laila.

Read the complete interview here

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