Actueel | Workshops en Trainingen

Workshops en Trainingen

WO=MEN strijdt voor goede ondersteuning van vrouwenorganisaties. Wij doen dit door ons lobbywerk, maar ook door het geven van informatie. Hieronder vindt je een overzicht van verschillende workshops en trainingen. Let op: deze pagina is ter informatie. Deze trainingen worden niet beheerd door WO=MEN. 
Fairspace - Free Bystander Intervention Training
Have you ever experienced a situation where someone was being harassed or sexually intimidated, but you didn’t know how to intervene? Do you feel powerless when you see someone being treated unfairly? Then this training is for you! 
What it is?
  • A global training developed by our partners at Right To Be
  • Covers the essentials of bystander intervention in an interactive way
  • Not a customised training
What you get:
  • Learn effective strategies to help others who are experiencing harassment
  • Feel more confident in taking action
  • Make your community safer and more inclusive for everyone
When and where? We will determine the date in consultation, and our trainers will come to you. Request a free consultation now.
A Comprehensive Approach to Gender in Operations
An international course for middle management civilian and military professionals 

24 November – 29 November 2024
MoD Training Center (Majoor Jan Linzel Complex)The Hague, The Netherlands   

Due to complexity of current operations, there is an increasing awareness of the need for both military and civilian personnel to be equipped with practical means to interact with local women and men. Men and women experience conflict and security differently. Consequently, their perspectives on conflict resolution and peacebuilding also vary. We need to listen and respond to both perspectives. Not just because it is the right thing to do, but because it makes our operations more effective and sustainable. Actively engaging women and men on equal grounds, within our own missions and institutions as well as in rebuilding post-conflict societies, is a matter of operational effectiveness. This implies changes in the way we plan and implement our operations, which is precisely what A Comprehensive Approach to Gender in Operations aims to accomplish.
This is a certified course under the auspices of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC).This innovative international course, a result of the collaboration between the Spanish and Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, responds to these demands by providing participants with the skills and know-how needed to face these new challenges.The 5 day course is based on the comprehensive approach to integrated missions and crisis management and builds on links between defence, diplomacy and development regarding gender and human rights issues. 

More information
Application Form

Free online training 
Find here a list of the best, free online humanitarian training in Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Child Protection.

Scholarships (among others): training on advocacy and policy influencing and training on gender mainstreaming in development.
Cyber Secure The Hague: Free Cybersecurity Tools and Advice for NGOs
With over 500 cyber attacks on NGOs since 2016, it’s more important than ever to make your NGO cyber resilient. Threats to NGOs include targeting by foreign governments and cyber criminals. While the City of The Hague provides cybersecurity assistance to international organisations, extending these resources to all local NGOs is challenging. To meet this need, the CyberPeace Institute, DIVD, and The Hague Humanity Hub are all joining forces to help more NGOs become cyber secure.

Interested? For more information, or to enroll, please contact

(English) Amnesty International - Free online courses
Amnesty International's Human Rights Education team offers two new online courses to combat gender-based violence. 
The first course, "Combatting Gender-based Violence Online," takes approximately 90 minutes to complete and is available in English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Polish. It covers the impact of technology on gender-based violence and the importance of creating safe and inclusive online spaces. 
The second course, "Confronting and Countering Gender-based Violence," takes approximately 90 minutes to complete and is available in English, French, Spanish, Hungarian, Slovenian, and Polish. Through real-world examples and interactive activities, learners will explore the root causes, impacts, and consequences of gender-based violence. 
Both courses are free and accessible to learners of all backgrounds and experience levels!

University of Groningen - Gratis online cursus Nederlands
Nu de toestroom van Oekraïense vluchtelingen naar Nederland steeds groter wordt, wil het Talencentrum van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen graag voorzien in de behoefte die onder deze groep kan ontstaan om de Nederlandse taal te leren. Men heeft daarom besloten om de gratis online beginnerscursus ‘Introduction to Dutch’ voorlopig permanent beschikbaar te maken. Dit betekent dat iedereen kan beginnen met de cursus op elk gewenst moment.
De cursus duurt drie weken en is bedoeld voor iedereen die Nederlands wil leren. Onderwerpen als zichzelf voorstellen en vertellen over familie, vrienden, werk of studie komen aan de orde en korte films geven een indruk van het wonen en leven in Nederland. Gratis inschrijven kan hier.
Obama Foundation Fellowship - doorlopend
Deze beurs steunt uitmuntende burgerlijke vernieuwers-leiders die samen met hun gemeenschappen werken aan transformationele verandering en een aantal van de meest urgente problemen in de wereld aanpakken. Het programma selecteert 20 rijzende sterren van over de hele wereld voor een niet-residentieel programma van twee jaar, dat bedoeld is om de impact van hun werk te vergroten en een golf van burgerinnovatie op gang te brengen. Het niet-residentiële Obama Fellowship biedt praktische training, middelen en leiderschapsontwikkeling om de Fellows te helpen de impact van hun werk te vergroten. Fellows nemen deel aan vier meerdaagse bijeenkomsten waar ze met elkaar samenwerken, in contact komen met potentiële partners, en gezamenlijk hun werk vooruit helpen. Tijdens het programma maakt elke Fellow een persoonlijk plan om de Fellowship-ervaring te benutten om hun werk naar een hoger niveau te tillen. Meer informatie hier.

In de Kennisbank vind je meer informatie over wereldwijde gendergelijkheid, respect voor vrouwenrechten en alle thema’s waar WO=MEN zich voor inzet.